Lesson 2

Lesson 2 of Will Kemps painting a black and white portrait in oils and I am re-establishing the shadows and adding the highlights, this according to Will is all about seeing and appreciating the shapes and form in the subject without getting into the detail, I must admit I do feel ready to move onto lesson 3 but as I am learning, with oils you have to wait.

Another tip I picked up is to make a sketch of your painting again thinking about the tones and shapes so I have done that, after getting a few things really wrong it’s something I will better understand in my painting hopefully getting them right.

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Bought a selection of Winsor and Newton Artisan water based oils, I bought the same colour pallet as I have been using with acrylics as this seemed a good starting point.

After having a go and getting into a oily mess I have decided that I need to take a different approach.

I need some teaching so off to good old Will Kemps blog to see what the man has to say.

He has a 6 part how to paint a black and white portrait in oils lesson, reading it through I am now having a go at one of my musical heroes the late David Bowie

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The lesson only used three colours, but keeping it simple might be a good approach with this new medium.