


My artclass had a rained off urban sketching lesson,  so we ended up back in the classroom with afternoon tea as a subject.

Not sue if this was going to be my thing but ended up enjoying making a painting even created a darker brio and ink wash drawing.

Rainy days not so bad.




The art group in my local village is having it’s summer exhibition, I am showing my Greenman tile and the drawing that was inspired by it, had some cards made to.

Not sure how I feel about selling my work, I seam to create a bit of a bond with it.

I guess someone has got to want to buy it first.


Still practicing my faces , trying different media and approaches in my sketchbook.

A daily face is a good project even if you don’t get to it everyday  you soon build a sketchbook of ideas.

Satisfying to leaf through it, and see your progress.