
This term at my art group we have been looking up at the skies, trying lots of different  media, pastels acrylics watercolour mono printing and lots more.

We started sky diaries looking up everyday from the same viewpoint well worth doing just to appreciate the changing skies.


Beds and Blankets

So after a week of scratching and cutting we get  to do some printing.

I was surprised by the amount of effort that goes into making a print., inking your plate and scrubbing the ink into your design, then cleaning your plate, soaking your paper and laying it all out on the bed of the press covering it in blankets and finally running it through.

it was great to get to the big reveal at the end.

I was pleased with the results and  can see  how artist are captivated by the process of print making.



Tetra packs and mount board

What I like about my art class is we are always being introduced to something new, we have started to make some plates for printing from Tetra Pack (silver foiled backed cartons) and mount card.

The idea is you cut or scratch your  design into the plate, ink it up with a roller and  run it through a press, not  got to fun messy bit yet, just started to make my plates, at this point its all back to front anticipation.

2015-11-29 09.10.22.