
Everything in life seems broken, so it’s fitting that my online art class has picked this as one of it’s topics in it’s collections and treasures theme.

using reference photographs from Museum collections and my wifes old ted.


Still practicing my faces , trying different media and approaches in my sketchbook.

A daily face is a good project even if you don’t get to it everyday  you soon build a sketchbook of ideas.

Satisfying to leaf through it, and see your progress.


Colour pencils

Got some new colour pencils faber castell polycromos these are oil based and are wonderful for blending,  using two or three colours together gives some wonderful results.

Spent six two hour sessions  adding colour to my green man drawing very relaxing I can see why folks like these colouring books.




Another term at artclass and we have been looking at art inspired by circus, had some great fun working with vintage photographs and some rapid scribbling, trying to create the energy of circus clowns.

Small faces

A invite to exhibit really cannot  be passed over, all I had to do was make a postcard size portrait. Everyone who makes a submission is exhibited in the exhibition at southamptons Solent gallery, exhibition opens on the 2nd of March.



Art class on show

Alice’s art class is having an exhibition, going to put some of my work up, please drop in if you are local and want to see what the group get up to .

Instruments and rags

As we continue in my art class with our still life theme, we have tried musical instrument and mono printing, this is a wonderful technique where you paint glass or a ceramic tile with oil paint and by using pressure, transfer the image onto paper, it was suggested that you could only take a single print and to use smooth paper, I had a go using watercolour paper and water with my water soluble oil paint and got a very pleasing result that I might work up some more.

Then we went back to basics,  pencils and  cloth I am told this was first principles for artist and they would spend hours studying the folds in cloth, I loved this exercise and became completely lost in it for far too many hours in class and afterwards.

Back to class

Started back at my art class this week, going to be looking at sophisticated primitives, the work of David Jones and others, not sure where this is going to take us as a warm up we were all given the same starting point to develop a picture, it will be interesting to see everyone’s efforts.


Also started a life drawing class a new tutor and location from last year, the first class was very good already lots of advice and encouragement.




New year and I am juggling stuff not in a hurried or panic way , just what do I do next. My maharaja that got the big paint over is now a  portrait that seams to have stalled, I have started a sort of Mona Lisa picture and started a new life drawing class, all a bit scary but enjoyable.

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Just been sketching faces this week  IHave loads of faces taken from magazines just to practice , tryong some differnt mediums wax crayons and pencils..

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