
Been going  to have a go at making a book for a while. Started with the pages some old A3 prints of stuff ,separated them out into  4 sheets and folded in half marked and pierced some holes in them.

Using thread strung  them together and glue the spine. Made the cover from a old sketch and glued it all together.

Pleased with the result I am definitely going to have another go, perhaps make a sketch book with different types of papers in it

Art class on show

Alice’s art class is having an exhibition, going to put some of my work up, please drop in if you are local and want to see what the group get up to .


Planning a painting for my artclass project, started with a sketch in my book and moving onto a larger effort on paper, I am trying some really grungy techniques splatter runny paint and torn tissue paper,  under painting started it will be fun seeing where this one goes.