


My artclass had a rained off urban sketching lesson,  so we ended up back in the classroom with afternoon tea as a subject.

Not sue if this was going to be my thing but ended up enjoying making a painting even created a darker brio and ink wash drawing.

Rainy days not so bad.


Sixth sense

I have been working on my art class summer project Senses.

I had the idea of creating 5 tarot like cards one for each sense, trying to add a little twist to each illustration Sight being blindfolded  in the dark and Smell being roses and something rotting in a bag, I guess you get the idea.

The sixth sense is just suggested by a downturned card and the tarot.

Thanks for dropping in.




Often I am left wondering why I started something especially when it does not go that well; my window painting was more about exploring different techniques, than the end result. Perhaps I should look at this as just one of the stages and take another go at a final picture.

One good thing came out of this  I was introduces to the work of Anselm Kiefer an artist who does grunge at an epic scale I am hoping to get along to one of his exhibitions this year.



Planning a painting for my artclass project, started with a sketch in my book and moving onto a larger effort on paper, I am trying some really grungy techniques splatter runny paint and torn tissue paper,  under painting started it will be fun seeing where this one goes.