Colour pencils

Got some new colour pencils faber castell polycromos these are oil based and are wonderful for blending,  using two or three colours together gives some wonderful results.

Spent six two hour sessions  adding colour to my green man drawing very relaxing I can see why folks like these colouring books.



Clay and beyond

Had a go with clay at my art class, the idea was to make a tile to hang in the garden, we made the tiles and then glazed them.

I was not happy with the glazing so I ended up painting it with acrylics.

Thought I would create a design based on my tile, not coloured it yet but I have made copies to share round the class, looking forward to see what others make of it.



My art class tutor is always giving us different challenges. this one was to  carve a bar of soap, When you start you soon realise just how much goes into carving, what to  take away  where to start it not as easy as you might think.

Hope you  like my soapy green man.